13 February 2011


Hey Everyone

Welcome to another year.......and what a year it has been.....

Some of you may remember in 2009 when I held Spiritual Development Classes at the community centre in North Lakes, and Archangels Michael, Metatron and Uriel spoke of impending earth changes coming in the next few years.........well that has certainly happened and with major destruction, pain, loss and grief and, on a positive note amazing determination and unity of humanity as one.

Many Queenslanders came together to help one another, and along the way we learnt about the power mother nature has, and as we all go through re-birth and re-building our lives, she too continues to grow and evolve.

February is the month of love. It can bring up many emotions within us all. Some are looking for love, others are trying to rekindle a love, and then others have lost a love and are trying to overcome the sadness that it creates. Then there are others who have the love of their life.

However, when we think of love many people think that we are talking about the love of someone else. What sometimes we forget is that we have to love ourself. Loving ourself is actually THE MOST IMPORTANT THING that we can do, and it’s something that we often forget.

So take the time to feel all the love you have in your Heart and give it as a Valentines gift to yourself, and to the ones that are dear to you.

Much love to you and in service to you always

Nicky xx

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