Welcome to Universal Connections........
This month I thought I would write about Magic. For many of us Magic comes in simple forms such as movies like Harry Potter, Shrek and Lord of the Rings or TV shows such as Charmed or Merlin.
What is Magic? Well to me magic is believing in yourself, focussing on loving thoughts, acts and intentions....feel your heart and soul connect with the wonder around you….instead of saying I can’t or I don’t have time – STOP and go outside and look up in the sky and see the beauty
everywhere…..Many of the Ancient Gods and Goddesses of time connected with Mother Earth and utilized all that she supplied for their ancient ways of healing and magic in times of Avalon, Egypt,
Atlantis and Lemuria and many other mythical places.
Below is a Wiccan Rede, a poem by Adriana Porter which was written early last century but not published until 1975. There are many versions of the Wiccan Rede, this one below is from Lucy Cavendish’s book – White Magic.
Bide within the law you must, In perfect love and perfect trust
Live you must and let to live, Fairly take and fairly give
Light of eye and sort of touch, Speak you little listen much
Honour the old ones in deed and name, Let love and light be
our guides again Merry meet and merry part, Bright the cheeks
and warm the heart Mind the threefold laws you should, Three
times bad and three times good, These eight wards the rede fulfull:
“An’ harm none, do what ye will”.
So in this next month of Halloween, see the ghosts and the unseen For do not worry no harm at all, for some of you will hear the call Orbs, Angels and Lights abound,just relax and see the magic around
Thought of the Month:
Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons.
-Ruth Ann Schabacker
-Ruth Ann Schabacker
Just a reminder, please visit my website and logon to the blog for all my updates, events, messages and newsletter will be there…. Thank you to all, for your wonderful love, support and friendship.
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