As spring arrives we start to feel the warmth on our backs as the sun shines, bringing a new day, a new beginning and for some a new lease on life......we come out of our hibernation and we feel stronger, refreshed and grounded......ready to take on the world!! With the sense of renewal we look at creating, completion and rebirth and I feel as the energy has been strong and rather powerful these last few months its almost like Mother Earth as been holding her breath, and you can now relax as the new energy blows gently in the new spring air.....
Last Wednesday night I spoke of Destiny, Karma and Fate.....there are a few things I would like to remind you all about Karma in particular and how we create Karma:
1. Through thoughts
2. Through words
3. Through actions that we perform ourselves
4. Through actions others do under our instruction
Everything that we have ever thought, spoken, done or caused is Karma. With regards to Destiny, well that can change in the blink of an eye.....Destiny and Karma are shaped long before the body comes into reality. You are in charge of your destiny, you are your own Master. Create what you want....Focus on what you desire, not what you don’t have....there is no point, its just a waste of energy....take control, have faith and believe you are a walking, breathing miracle !!!
Thought of the Month:
"Every moment is an experience."
Author Unknown
Thank you to all for your wonderful love, support and friendship, I invite you to please leave any feedback or words from your own journey by visiting my website www.universalconnections.net
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Wonderful words - as usual...